My Heart Promotion Co., Ltd. is a motto of "There is a circumference and I am" and polishes the heart without forgetting that there is a circumference and there is me.

Mie Nakagawa release CD ~Now on sale!!

Mie Nakagawa release single "Shigure-juku" and released album "New Departure" are now on sale online! !! Please purchase from the HP "CD / Goods Sales" corner or move to the Amazon mail order site from the product title / image below ☆ "Shigure-juku" Debut 35th anniversary commemorative song. In 2012, Japan Crown released a single. Now available on DAM and JOYSOUND. "New Departure" is a song to support the recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake. Debut 33rd anniversary album ~ Bridging Japan, China, and Korea cultures ~ Released by Tokuma Japan in 2011. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

SHOWROOM Official Leiber Recruitment!!

We officially registered as an organizer in December 2020 and are working on the SHOWROOM distribution business. We are looking for a wide range of people from all over the country who wish to distribute as official distributors, including inexperienced people and beginners!! Basically, there is no distribution quota and there is no force to participate in any event. We will provide support and support by creating a flexible activity environment so that streamers can deliver at their own pace according to their individuality and style, and so that they can achieve their dreams and goals through their distribution activities. From the standpoint of the distributor, we have established the minimum necessary rules, and in order to increase motivation and allow you to engage in distribution activities with peace of mind, we will welcome you with preferential treatment and conditions such as the distribution revenue sharing ratio. It is also possible to consult with fans about where to receive gifts and gifts. We look forward to your questions and applications!!LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

Junpei Otaki, showroom first delivery today! !

This month, official drivers at our company(Distributor)Junpei Otaki, who has been registered, will make his first distribution debut today in commemoration of Real Birthday! !! 『Mister-J on air』 4/15(tree)23:00~Official Distribution Start!! ★ Room introduction ★ "Occupation: Junpei Otaki". The entity is a lyricist, actor, fortune teller, illustrator(!)And so on. On my birthday, I decided to try streaming in earnest. In addition to live song distribution, maybe fortune-telling live and drawing distribution will also be done? Well then, thank you! YouTube video Thank you for your support and viewing! !! Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

notice! 4/6(fire)Yuki Takemura, FM radio live broadcast guest appearance!

Tomorrow 4/6(fire) 22:00~22:50 I will make a guest appearance on Torigoe Azzurri FM "Abegaku FM"!! I was really looking forward to it!!(^○^) Please watch it!?? Torigoe Azzurri FM "Abegaku FM" 4/6(fire) 22:00~22:50(live broadcast) You can watch it from the station URL below.? ■ Program Main MC abegakk ■ Program Sub MC PoM Kazudai ■ Guest Yuki Takemura "Abegaku FM" YouTube rebroadcast "Abegaku TV" Please subscribe to the channel? Yuki Takemura Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

We are looking for SHOWROOM official distributors! !!

This time,(share)My Heart Promotion has decided to recruit official SHOWROOM distributors from all over the country! Last year, we applied for an organizer to SHOWROOM Co., Ltd., were accepted, officially certified as an organizer, and started issuing, managing and supporting SHOWROOM official accounts. Anyone from all over the country, regardless of age, gender, experience, etc., can apply for an official account from amateurs, whether they are active in the entertainment industry or not! Also, monthly paid gifts(Paid Items)による収入の配信者様への分配率も一律80%と高く設定しております!皆様のご応募を心よりお待ちしております!【特記事項】◆随時募集◆登録にあたりましては簡単な審査等ございますので予めご了承ください。◆未成年の方は必ず保護者の同意・承諾を得た上でお申し込みください。18歳未満の方が申請された際は一度弊社から確認の連絡をさせていただきます。◆特定のプロダクション、事務所等に所属されてます方は、許諾を得た上でご応募ください。◆配信ペースは基本的に配信者様にお任せしており、イベント参加等を強制することはありません。◆ 既存アカウントからの移行をご希望の場合、ルーム情報を引き継ぐことが可能です。ただし、他社オーガナイザー様公式枠からの移行の場合はその旨許諾を得ていただく必要がございます。既存アカウントがアマチュアの場合は、ご本人様のご意向のみで移行可能です。◆弊社登録後もご要望に応じて、弊社所属タレント以外の配信者様は、期間のしばりなく登録解除してアカウント維持のままで他社オーガナイザー様への移行も配慮いたします。◆公式配信者となられましても、弊社所属タレント以外の配信者の方は専属にはなりませんので自由に活動して頂いて問題ございません。◆費用についてSHOWROOM公式アカウントのお申し込みにおいて登録料等費用は一切発生しません。また、契約金等の発生はありませんのでお気軽に申し込みください。◆放送の売上数、振り込まれる金額は毎月ビジュアルで確認できるようPC管理画面の画像を送信します。◆ファンレターや贈り物の届け先を弊社に指定も可能です。【公式配信者登録の流れ】→ご応募→仮審査→都内にて面談もしくはリモート面談→仮契約書類発行→公式配信者登録→配信者公式アカウントを発行→配信スタート!!【Remarks】* About six months after the conclusion of the provisional contract, we will conduct a review and interview to renew this contract. The SHOWROOM dividend distribution ratio and other conditions will not change during the provisional contract period. Please be sure to check the special notes when applying, and please apply with the following profile to the email address below! We look forward to your application!! 【Profile】■Name■Stage name or nickname(arbitrary)■Gender■Age(Or business age, undisclosed, actual age required for minors)■Contact information(arbitrary)If you are a minor, you must have your guardian's contact information ■ Prefecture of residence ■ Remote app you are using(Skype, ZOOM, etc.)■ Whether you have experience ■ If you have an amateur account, please enter the URL. ■PR Statement■Questions and Requests(arbitrary)* Distribution rate, other ■ Attached photo, close-up and one whole body(Multiple sheets are also possible)・ Those that are less than 3 months old that only the person himself / herself is shown * If it is not out of focus, a simple one taken with a smartphone is fine. 【Application e-mail address】※The subject will be contacted within a few days of applying for "Streamer Registration Application"! This recruitment is(share)It is by My Heart Promotion, and there is no direct relationship between SHOWROOM Co., Ltd. and this offering. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

Report Mie Nakagawa - Journey to Heaven

Mie Nakagawa, President and CEO of My Heart Promotion Co., Ltd., october 22, 2020(tree)He passed away. The funeral was held only by relatives. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the fans in Japan and other countries who have supported Mie Nakagawa on a daily basis, the singers from Japan, China, and Korea who have cooperated with us, and everyone in various industries. In addition, when the date of the farewell party is decided, we will report it on the website. We look forward to your continued support of My Heart Promotions. LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

Yuki Takemura poster completed!

The office created a poster for me!! 100 sheets with office name and logo! Thank you very much for your continued appreciation.✨Yuki Takemura Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

Yuki Takemura, horror movie appearance has been decided!

A horror short story is a collection of 100 stories "Hundred Stories"(Title Undecided)It will be a work to be rented on the national DVD. The first work is already over-the-counter nationwide.(Tutaya)It is rented at(15-7 minutes)Yuki Takemura's appearance is from the second work(Title Undecided), Shooting will be after October. If you proceed to the shooting stage, we will inform you again.:// Director Chihiro Nakamura Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

☆彡 for sightseeing and meetings

The other day, we had a meeting with everyone in the office and sightseeing, stayed at a hotel for 2 days and 1 night, and stopped at Fujinomiya City in Shizuoka Prefecture and Atami on the way back✨Fortunately, the rainy season ended the day before departure, and the departure day was crisp and sunny! We were blessed with a perfect climate with a light breeze that blew from time to time(*^^*)After arriving at Fujinomiya Station and taking a walk around the area, I enjoyed Fujinomiya's specialty yakisoba and okonomiyaki at ♪♪ Okonomiyaki near the hotel where I was staying, and the next morning was ♪ a breakfast buffet ♪ with a considerable amount ☆ After that, go to Atami! Pachiri ☆ Arrival in Atami ☆ ♪ On the way back, I had lunch at a sushi restaurant, and after stopping at a café, I took another shot at Atami Station✨The green car on the way back and forth was comfortable, and we were able to spend a very meaningful time together with sightseeing and meetings! My Heart Promotion will continue to move forward and serve the entertainment industry! Thank you all for your ☆彡languageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

The korea event has been postponed to next year.

Due to the global coronavirus situation, it is difficult to hold large-scale events within the year in accordance with the policy of the Korean government, and the number of infected people is increasing in Japan, so today the Korea Singers Association officially decided to postpone the planned Korea-Japan event to next year 2021. LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.